U.S. Media Revenue Rises 4.6%

From AdAge:

The nation’s top 100 media companies saw a 4.6% revenue boost in 2007, their slowest growth since the recession year of 2001.

Media’s tempered growth mirrors that of the economy: GDP last year recorded its most tepid growth (2%) since 2002 amid signs the economy was heading into recession.

Media’s biggest winner is no surprise: digital, with revenue up 10.8%. Cable-network growth was close behind, at 10.6%. The biggest loser: newspapers, down 6.8%.


The right way to slack off at work

    1. E-mail can wait.
    2. Saying ‘no’ won’t get you fired.
    3. Don’t multitask.
    4. Give yourself a break.
    5. Don’t eat lunch at your desk.
    6. Schedule some “me” time.


Oh, really.

The idea is not the story

Does one really create ideas? I suspect I know what this writer is attempting to say. However, writing prose is about the story not the idea. Ideas embedded in the story make it great, but the idea itself won’t sell the story. The etymology of the word “idea” is “figure, image, symbol” and “to see.” A great idea is nothing unless it has a narrative substance. Besides, does one create an idea or does one have an idea?

Overheard on the bus

Bus rider: Yeah, last night there was another fight at the gas station. This time is was two women.

Overheard @ The Dripolator

Barrista: So you like spending money on higher education? What, you like got your degree lit… and… now it’s like sweet, I can’t get a job anywhere.

From Print is Dead blog:

…even though I wrote a book called Print is Dead, even I don’t think that publishing is over. Rather, it just needs to change and be willing to embrace new ideas and business models.

scumblr: somethingchanged: sunili:(via theoisjonesing: tightgrip: thenausner) Awesome! Analogue Sunday can’t come quick enough. (Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/thenausner/2429764873/)

Poets Teaching Poets, part 2

The advanced poetry class in which I am enrolled, began last night. Two of the four predictions I made regarding the class are right (the other two will be determined later):

1. 25 percent of the students are male
2. 16 percent of the students are under the age of 40

The first night of class was an amiable experience and it seems as if several of my classmates know each other from other writing classes. I’m bracing myself for an onslaught of confessional lyric poems about grandchildren or childhood or something along that line. A good gardening poem would be preferable, in my humble opinion.

One of the poetry books I am reviewing collects poems about the decline of the working class in America. It is a fantastic subject and book. Can’t wait to see what the editor thinks of my review. It’s that type of material I want to tackle in poetry; some subject that changes peoples life or at least causes a physical reaction. The editor of Main Street Rag once said that the poems he likes the most are ones that make him react physically; meaning he laughs or cusses or throws the book across the room. A few years ago, I witnessed someone shed a few tears after I read one of my poems. That’s the stuff I want to write (and hopefully publish); the stuff that creates a place for the reader to inhabit. The teacher told the class last night that the word “stanza” is Italian for “room.” If that is the only thing I learn from this class, it will be enough; the composition of inhabitable poems. Maybe that’s why I like today’s featured poem at Writer’s Almanac; I can get into its space.

“Literature in the 21st Century” by Ronald Wallace

Sometimes I wish I drank coffee
or smoked Marlboros, or maybe cigars—
yes, a hand-rolled Havana cigar
//read more

How Fat is The Long Tail?

Didn’t just write about this?

From Publishers Weekly:

“Some products belong in the tail not the head,” Elberse [Anita Elberse, associate professor at Harvard Business School] said.