Grove Arcade decorated for the holidays. #avl

Beer City USA gingerbread house. #avl #avlbeer

Nothing says home like #avl public transit.

Wonder if they ever get tired of reaching for something they’ll never grasp.

Paradise… a library

utnereader: The Electric Car Paradox: Electric vehicles are creating a lot of promise in the green world, but they don’t necessarily lead to lower greenhouse gas emissions. Consider the cases of China and Sweden, which have both heavily encouraged electric … Continue reading

Big night in Asheville for poetry readings

Malaprop's reading for Nov. 11, 2011

Last night Asheville hosted two great poetry readings.

Loretta’s Cafe featured the Flood Reading Series with poets DeWayne Barton, Gyorgyi Voros, and Landon Godfrey.

Malaprop’s featured readings by Evie Shockley and Luke Hankins.

Unfortunately, I missed both readings because I was on the road and didn’t return to my adopted hometown until after the readings. Anyone have a report to how the readings went? Please feel free to offer a review of the readings in the comments.

The colder it gets the more I want to stay home, make a fire, and read a book.

peterfeld: New York Times, November 11, 1911 (Source:

Kidlingers play a homemade version of Battleship. (Taken with instagram) (Source: