‘Remember well the outdoor smoking circle’

The lost art of gathering business narratives.

“Today, if I were looking for content for the intranet or the Web, I’d be asking myself every time one of those smokers told a story, ‘Is this a video? Is this a blog post? Is there an infographic in there?’”

(via flack me)

theatlantic: Can the Middle Class Be Saved? The Great Recession has accelerated the hollowing-out of the American middle class. And it has illuminated the widening divide between most of America and the super-rich. Both developments herald grave consequences. Here is … Continue reading

What can I say… #avltransit bus stops are… an adventure.

thenewrepublic: There’s more new census data out and, as Jonathan Cohn writes, “one in six Americans are extremely poor. … If you want to find a year when the poverty rate was significantly higher, you have to go all the … Continue reading

Virtue on Lexington.

#avl autumn hits the streets.

Boca for #avleat goodness.

New tech + old school event poster = good marketing.

Autumn begins to litter the streets.